The Whoeasy company under Jeff Smith was established in 2014.It mainly operates in the western portion of the United States of America, Wyoming. For several years it has been enjoying a great rapport among the customers. This platform is like an online phone directory that delivers credible and accurate information regarding cell number, landline and mobile number. They have credible information about each and every registered phone number in the United States. This corporate organization also offers subscriptions to its customers for the service that it delivers. Lets figure out why and how users chose whoeasy cancellation.
In this digital era, who does not avail subscriptions? Subscriptions are the coolest thing at this allows you to use the service at a better and cheaper price. Similarly, if you are a regular user of whoeasy application, then it’s fine to have the everlasting subscription. But what if you are just a one- or two-month user? You are at risk! Yes, you heard it right.
Generally, lets you enjoy the perks of its app for 7 days for absolutely free. But since you have to enter all the bank related details at the time of registration so if you just forget about your subscription, the money will be deducted every month for your registered account irrespective of your use. Hence it becomes very essential to dispose of the subscription.
If you are one of those wondering how to get Whoeasy subscription cancelled, then you have definitely come to the right place. There are so many different methods listed in this article which can guide you on how to get your whoeasy subscription cancelled.
1. How to cancel whoeasy subscription through email
Cancel your subscription quickly just by following these steps:
- Firstly, open your Email box, click on compose email. A box will appear where you are required to write the receiver’s email address, subject line and the main body.
- So, get started by writing the email address of whoeasy that is enter the subject line as “Terminate my account please” or “Eliminate my account please”.
- Now type the main body message stating the reason to cancel Whoeasy membership in a descriptive manner. Just one tip, use a simple language so that it’s not hard for the Whoeasy service providers to comprehend.
- Do cite that the mail is for Whoeasy executive. Save this mail for future reference as it can be required as a proof.
2. How to cancel Whoeasy subscription through Online account
Cancel your membership via whoeasy account following this given procedure:
- Get started by opening the Whoeasy website that is
- Now login to your account with the login information like your emailed and password key, which you created at the time of registration.
- Now navigate to the “My Account” option and then tap on it. Also select your membership type.
- Click on “Subscription” and then press the “Change Plan “option.
- Thereafter just simply follow all the instructions available on the screen and click on “Cancel my membership”
Similar Post: How To Cancel Amazon Prime Subscription
3. How to cancel Whoeasy subscription through phone
Follow the given set of steps to cancel your whoeasy membership by phone:
- Dial this number (888)744-0149 and place a call.
- Do make sure that you have your account information beforehand like email ID, name, pincode and other details as well to initiate the cancellation process.
- After you provide all the necessary information you can ask the executive for your whoeasy membership to be cancelled immediately.
- Ask the executive or assistant person to give you the authorization number or conformational email to ensure that your request has been processed.
- Ensure that you have received something, either a confirmation email or authorization number so that you can use it for future processes for acquiring the updates regarding the status of cancellation of your Whoeasy subscription or as a proof.
If your phone call is put on hold or waiting, then wait for some time and again call. Sometimes due to more people calling at the same number, the call goes on wait patiently and try again.
4. How to cancel Whoeasy subscription through DoNotPay app
In our busy hectic schedule, we often run out of time to do miscellaneous of that thing is Cancelling unused membership. But below given steps can make your process very simple and far less time consuming than other conventional methods like phone, going to service center and what not. With the DoNotPay app you can easily cut any of your unwanted services. So come on, let’s get started:
- Open DoNotPay on your preferred web browser.
- Now Enter your mobile number or email address in the space provided.
- Select “find hidden money”.
- Lastly click on ‘Whoeasy’ as the service you want to drop off.
- You will directly receive a notification once Whoeasy membership is called off.
Frequently asked questions
Whoeasy puts their customer first place. Whoeasy Customer service number is all you need to contact the Whoeasy Customer Service. This service is available for 8 hours that is from 9AM to 5PM Est. If you have any query regarding operating the Whoeasy platform or you want to call off your Whoeasy subscription, then just simply dial this toll-free number.
You can also send them email anytime with all your account and contact details at to ask any query related to the working of platform or termination of the subscription.
I’m sure that everyone must have experienced at least once in their life that is getting a call from a random person or a number. But sometimes you start getting repeated calls from that same number, we actually start doubting if it’s a scammer trying to scam on us. The entire method to find the culprit becomes very tedious and time consuming.
But whoeasy gives the customer the whole information about the person and also tells the location from where the call has been placed in a matter of time.
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